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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS -Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Guest User

The human soul is like a mirror to reflect the image and likeness of God.

  •  SAT Word of Day: Zenith- peak

  •  A special Thank-You to all who brought in toys and books.  You will make lots of kids happy on Christmas Day.

  •  TOYS will be delivered today.   Help needed getting them for delivery.  Thanks to all who donated to help make less fortunate children's Christmas brighter.

  •  Looking ahead.  On Wednesday, December 21st we will go Christmas caroling after exams.  Lunch on Fr. Ronald afterwards.  Sign-up sheet on board near his office.

  •  Mr. Fitz says last call for the wyse academic challenge for juniors and seniors.  Class code is ul3v4dp

    Testing this year will be in person and Mr Fitz will be completing registration on WED so make sure to sign up and pick your two topics.

    Here is a clickable code for the pdf announcement

  •  Scholastic Bowl practice after school today in the Art Studio

  • Golf Regional Champion shirts are in stop by the Art Studio to pick up your order.

  • All-school mass tomorrow to celebrate the Immaculate Conception of Mary the Mother of God.

  •  Friday will be a relaxed dress code day for charity. Sweat pants or jeans.  $3 or two food items.  Also, Ugly Christmas sweaters will be allowed and prizes given to the 3 best ones.

  • Seniors interested in pursuing the skilled trades after graduation, especially electricians and welders: a representative from Marquis Energy in Hennepin will be here on Dec 9th during period G to share information about their paid apprenticeship opportunities.  Sign up now in the counseling office.

  •  IVCC registration forms have been mailed to students taking Eng1001, Speech1001 and Psyc1000. Please complete the registration form at return it to the main office by this Friday, Dec 7th.

  •  Please keep in mind that with the colder weather and holidays approaching, the class trees are up for donations, hats, gloves, and scarves are a great way to give to those in need!

  • Ambassadors - check the Google Classroom for signups. Please sign up for your items by TOMORROW or you will be assigned what to bring.


  •  Will the following students please see Mrs. Makransky during homeroom:

  • Arianna Heersink, Violet Lopez, Hunter Savage, Alyssa Schirz, and Yannis Yong