ANNOUNCEMENTS -Monday, December 5, 2022
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Unless we are anchored in something beyond the here and now, chances are we will drown in the present moment.
SAT Word of Day: Palatial- resembling a palace
TOYS will be delivered today. Help needed getting them for delivery. Thanks to all who donated to help make less fortunate children's Christmas brighter.
All-School mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary on Wednesday.
Looking ahead. On Wednesday, December 21st we will go Christmas caroling after exams. Lunch on Fr. Ronald afterwards. Sign-up sheet on board near his office.
Friday will be a relaxed dress code day for charity. Details to follow.
Will Michael Shaw, Alivia Payne and Tyler Jordan please come to the main office during homeroom
Katie Zeller, Kylie Cofoid, Sammie Wagner, Callan Hueneburg, Hayden Arkins: please see Mr. Steben in his office during Homeroom today