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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, December 12, 2022

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St. Francis once said: "Do few things but do them well.  Simple joys are holy."

  •  Ø SAT Word of Day: Untoward- unexpected

  • Looking ahead.  On Wednesday, December 21st we will go Christmas caroling after exams.  Lunch on Fr. Ronald afterwards.  Sign-up sheet on board near his office.

  •  Lectio on Wednesday and Thursday.  Newcomers always welcome.

  •  Last Supper Club on Wednesday.  Sign-up sheet on board near Fr. Ronald's office.

  •  YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!!! Please keep in mind that with the colder weather and holidays approaching, the class trees are up for donations, hats, gloves, and scarves are a great way to give to those in need!!!

  •  SENIORS!!!!! Don’t forget about the Marquis Presentation during G Period in Mr. Eustice’s Room today!!!!!

  •  Mrs. Cox’s E1 study hall please report to Mrs. Bruner’s room, #212

  • Students who have lockers on the 3rd floor or in the basement please start bringing any non-essential items home. Your locker will need to be completely emptied when you leave for Christmas break.

  •  Attention Stage Rats. We meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the gym for a work session. Meeting tomorrow in Fr. Dom's office during homeroom for all those going to Theatre Fest. 

  • Scholastic Bowl practice Tuesday after school in the Art Studio


  •  Will the following students please see Mrs. Makransky during homeroom: Hunter Savage, Maggie Arkins, Carson Riva, Johnnie Brown, and Madeline Fabish