ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, October 27, 2022
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What matters most is how we treat the person who needs us the most in any given moment, not whether or not we get a task done.
SAT Word of the Day: Effluvia-an unpleasant or harmful odor
Last Supper Club had a great supper at Riverfront Grill. Those who have not, yet, paid can get payment to Fr. Ronald.
Lectio groups TOMORROW during both lunch periods in Mr. H's classroom. Lunch provided. All welcome. If not able to make it, let Fr. Ronald know so that number of lunches can be adjusted.
Let's fill the Blue Cart, again. Our hungry sisters and brothers will appreciate it.
Students planning on playing a winter sport, make sure you register under the 8to18 system. Even if you played in the fall, you still need to complete the registration process for the winter season.
Friday, after school in the commons, Tea Club meeting until 4.
There have been several students a day requesting to go out to their cars to get bags, projects, etc. The main office will no longer be allowing students out to their cars. Please bring your materials in with you in the mornings.
Service hours available for any students who work the concession stand at tonight’s volleyball game or Saturday’s football game. Please let Mr. Hancock know if you plan to work.
Students please make sure to get a pass from the office if you will be leaving school early for an appointment. When you return you must bring your doctor’s note back to the office and get a slip to get back into class. If you are absent you will need to get a pass from the office the day you return.
Tonight, our Lady Bruins take the court at 6 pm for a chance to become back to back Regional Champs. Let’s fill the gym and show our support!
Fr. Dominic's religion classes should bring coats to class in addition to all class materials. We will be going outside briefly.
Auditions for Fall Theatre after school today in the little theatre of the abbey church. You can also audition tonight at 7:45 p.m. See Fr. Dom if you have questions or need to arrange an alternative audition time.
Ambassadors in the skit or uniform fashion show: meet in the loft during homeroom.
Ali Arslan to Mrs. Wagner’s office