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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, October 28, 2022

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Have you become focused on yourself? If you focus on yourself, it will consume you.  Get outside of yourself. Focus on others. Serve.

  • SAT Word of the Day: Gregarious-outgoing or social

  •  Lectio groups TODAY during both lunch periods in Mr. H's classroom.   Lunch provided.  All welcome.  If not able to make it, let Fr. Ronald know so that number of lunches can be adjusted.

  •  Students planning on playing a winter sport, make sure you register under the 8to18 system.  Even if you played in the fall, you still need to complete the registration process for the winter season. 

  •  Another win for Esports!  Last night our Mario Kart team; Julian Villava, Daliayah Farris, Noah Buck, and Gavin Sandoval won against Detour High School in Michigan.

  •  The first practice for all 3 levels of girl’s basketball will be Monday.

  • Softball players are needed to work quarters of the football game beginning at 2:00 tomorrow. A text was sent twice this week by coach Sons.  Please let him know of Mrs. Griggs if you can help.  The money made is for the Tennessee trip and equipment for the team.

  • Just a reminder AP fee forms and money are due no later than Tuesday, November 1 to Mrs. Pettway in room 136

  • Monday is Halloween. No costumes allowed. However, it will be a free sweatpants day. Sweatpants must be in good repair. Leggings, crop tops, and hoodies are not permitted.

  • Don’t forget to visit the Herff Jones representatives outside the refectory during lunch today!


  • Jake Delaney see Coach Cummings today

  •  If anyone needs service hours, please see Mrs. Makransky this morning. 

  •  Samantha Blaskiewicz, Evan Entrican, Jaxon Kozak, Jake Migliorini, Emma Smudzinski, and Devin Steil please see Mr. Hancock NOW

  •  Griffin May please see Mr. Hancock now and bring your chrome book.

  •   Victoria Mendez please see Mrs. Nambo now

  •  Ambassador Skit members - we will meet in the loft during homeroom today. Bring your Chromebook!