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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, October 26, 2022

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Love people where they are, not where you think they should be.


  • SAT Word of the Day: Cashe- a collection of similar items stored in a secret place.

  •   This evening at 6:00 is our next Last Supper Club outing to Riverfront Grill in Peru.  Cost is $15. All are welcome.  Sign-up sheet on board outside Fr. Ronald's office. Check out the choices. Signup by 12:30 today.

  •  Lectio TODAY and Friday during lunch in Mr. H's classroom.  Today 2nd lunch for seniors and juniors.  Friday during both lunches for the others. Lunch provided.  All welcome.  If not able to make it, let Fr. Ronald know so that number of lunches can be adjusted.

  •  Peer tutoring will take place in room 111 after school until 3:30 for all interested students. We look forward to seeing you!

  •  Students planning on playing a winter sport, make sure you register under the 8to18 system.  Even if you played in the fall, you still need to complete the registration process for the winter season. 

  •  Esports is on a winning streak!  Our St. Bede Splatoon team; Gavin Sandoval, Julian Villava, Micah Huetteman, and Noah Buck, dominated Moss Point High School 3-1 last night!

    That makes 4 wins in a row!

  •  Esports League of Legends season is starting now.  If interested, check the esports google classroom, or see Mr. Fess. 

  •  Complete and submit your FAFSA in one night with assistance from a FAFSA professional! Come to the FAFSA Completion Workshop for seniors and parents. Tonight, 6-8 pm, in the SBA Computer Lab, Room 208. See your email for more information and a list of what you need to bring.

  • Juniors, sign up with Ms. Bernabei now for the Health Care Career Fair hosted by IVCC and the ACC on Nov 14th. Only 10 spots available!

  •  Isaiah Hart, Jason Yang, and Michael Shaw please come to the main office during one of your passing periods.

  •  Happy National Pumpkin Day! Did you know that Illinois is the United States' leading producer of pumpkins? Now you do. Go get a PSL to celebrate, and bring Mrs. Rynkewicz one, too

  •  Changes in times for auditions for Fall Theatre:

    ·      Today after school at 3:00 PM

    ·      Tonight at 7:30 PM

    ·      Tomorrow after school at 3:00 PM

    There will not be auditions on Thursday evening. See Father Dom if you need to schedule another time.

  •  Ambassadors and Delegates will take their yearbook picture today IMMEDIATELY after school outside the Old Main doors. Please be prompt so that athletes can get to practice.


  • Prom committee meeting in PSC #16, on Thursday, October 27 during homeroom.

  • Emma Slingsby, Grady Gillan, and Samantha Blaskiewicz please see Mrs. Hurst in the Main Office during Homeroom.

  •  Lena Sartin, Ava Balestri, Maggie Arkins and Ella Mudge (9th grade) please come to the main office.