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Daily Announcements

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, April 15, 2021

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  • PROM reservations are FULL! IF your payment is not in to Mrs. Leffelman by 11:00 am tomorrow your reservation will be opened up for someone else. NO EXCEPTIONS!!

  • James Sanchez, Allison Morton, Isabelle Monroe please check your email or see Mrs. Griggs in the main office today during lunch.

  • Mrs. Rynkewicz’s period G class should report to the collaborative room today.

  • If you are interested in running for a position on the student government executive board – listen up! Students interested in the positions of President or Vice-President must be in the current junior class and have had at least one year of experience as a student government member. The positions of Treasurer and Secretary require a year of student government experience. To have your name placed on the ballot and to go over the rules and expectations, please see Mrs. Manning by Wednesday, April 21 @ 2 pm. No exceptions will be allowed beyond this deadline. The election will be held on Friday, April 23.

  • $3 Jean Day tomorrow! Jeans may be worn no holes or rips a modest top with no hoodies or half shirts. If you are wearing inappropriate clothing you will be asked to change.

  • We are having an 11:20 dismissal tomorrow, classes E-H will meet. Those of you in E2C Psychology do not have to report until your F period class (which begins at 8:43). You will be staying at 11:20 for your Psychology class. You must sign in at the front doors when you arrive tomorrow. DO NOT BE LATE!!

  • Love talking on the phone?? Sign-up to work the "MEGA" Phone-A-Thon in the Development Department! See Mrs. Gengler for details.

  • Skip the airport this summer and travel at your own pace, MASK FREE, in the safety of your BRAND NEW 2021 Jayco Redhawk SE 27N Class C Motorhome! Enjoy the freedom of traveling with your family and friends again, without the risk of flight delays, cancellations or disruptive passengers. Learn More @