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Daily Announcements

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, April 14, 2021

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Prayer is successful when you pray not to change God or another person, but to change yourself.

  • JUNIORS AND SENIORS this Friday is the deadline to register and pay for PROM. You must be registered and money into Mrs. Leffelman by 11:00 am on Friday!! If you reserved and have not paid your $50 by Friday your reservation will be opened up to someone else!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!

  • If you are interested in running for a position on the student government executive board – listen up! Students interested in the positions of President or Vice-President must be in the current junior class and have had at least one year of experience as a student government member. The positions of Treasurer and Secretary require a year of student government experience. To have your name placed on the ballot and to go over the rules and expectations, please see Mrs. Manning by Wednesday, April 21 @ 2 pm. No exceptions will be allowed beyond this deadline. The election will be held on Friday, April 23.

  • Freshmen and Sophomores…. Tomorrow - Please be sure to bring a pen or pencil to the gym for your time with John Grossman.

  • The Habitat for Humanity home build has begun. If you want to volunteer to help this Saturday, see Fr. Ronald or put your name on the sign-up sheet on his office door. Yow will get service hours while being part of a truly great project.

  • We did a great job filling the blue cart before Easter. Let's bring in more food items so we can get them to our hungry sisters and brothers.

  • Variety Show rehearsal tonight at 7 in the little theater In the church. If you are still interested in performing and did not sign up, please come tonight.

  • Cheerleaders please pick up your RIPS tickets in Mrs. Plankenhorn’s office NOW!

  • Anyone interested in BASS fishing please sign up in Mrs. Plankenhorn’s office.

  • Sign-up to support our Just Imagine MEGA Raffle and help to close the fundraising gap for students at SBA! Do Something MEGA…. for SAINT BEDE, Click Here To Purchase Raffle Ticket

  • Just Imagine Mega Raffle

    Only 750 Tickets will be sold! Seller’s Drawing - $1,000 Prize.

    Every seller of 5 tickets will be entered into a separate drawing for $1,000.

    Drawing Date: Saturday, June 19, 2021

    1st Prize - $10,000 plus seller of the ticket receives $350

    2nd Prize - $5,000 plus seller of the ticket receives $350

    3rd Prize - $3,000 plus seller of the ticket receives $350