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Daily Announcements

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, April 19, 2021

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The most important things are hardly ever urgent. That is why it is so important for us to identify what are the most important things and place them at the center of our lives.

  • Lectio groups meet during lunch this week.  Group photos will be taken.

  • Weather permitting, we will work on the Habitat for Humanity home this Saturday.  See Fr. Ronald or put name on sign-up sheet on his office door.

  • Let's get the Blue Cart filled with food for our hungry sisters and brothers.

  • Teghan Tillman see Mr. Harlow NOW!!

  • If you are interested in running for a position on the student government executive board – listen up! Students interested in the positions of President or Vice-President must be in the current junior class and have had at least one year of experience as a student government member. The positions of Treasurer and Secretary require a year of student government experience. To have your name placed on the ballot and to go over the rules and expectations, please see Mrs. Manning by Wednesday, April 21 @ 2 pm. No exceptions will be allowed beyond this deadline. The election will be held on Friday, April 23.

  • Ambassador Applications for interested current sophomores are available outside the Admissions Office.  They are due back by next Monday, April 26.

  • Landon Jackson, Jaden Hart, Ethan Sramek, and Hunter Welch please see Mrs. Plankenhorn sometime today.

  • Softball players do not have to meet at our field after school today to put on the tarp. 

  • Seniors, please make sure you complete your yearbook survey for Mrs. Griggs. 

  • Nathan Carlson, Nick Pears, Jacob Schirz, Brady Flanagan, Zayd Khan, George Guo, and Jack Wallace please come to the school office NOW!

  • Skip the airport this summer and travel at your own pace, MASK FREE, in the safety of your BRAND NEW 2021 Jayco Redhawk SE 27N Class C Motorhome! Enjoy the freedom of traveling with your family and friends again, without the risk of flight delays, cancellations or disruptive passengers. Learn More @