Daily Announcements - Tuesday, November 19, 2019
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The bad news is --- time flies. The good news is --- you're the pilot.
Our Donor of the Day is: Karl Helmer. Mr. Helmer is a 1980 graduate and works as a Researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital. We are blessed with his generosity and support of St. Bede. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.
Girls' TEC the first weekend of December. See Fr. Ronald, if interested or you want more information.
NET days for sophomores and freshmen on Thursday and Friday this week. Jean Day dress code.
We are looking for four more students to help serve appetizers at the Jingle & Mingle Dueling Piano event on Saturday, December 7th. See Mrs. Prokup to sign up.
Reese Ludford, Elaina Wamhoff. Your orange forms for the E2C class were due LAST Friday! I need them today!! See Ms. Bernabei ASAP
Come out to see The Celebration of Lights Festival at Rotary Park in LaSalle TONIGHT, 5-10 p.m. 50% of all donations collected tonight will be donated to St. Bede Academy from the LaSalle Rotary!
Congratulation to Jakyb Stoddard for being selected as the November Male Teen of the Month by the Oglesby Elks. Jakyb please see Ms. Bernabei today
Sophomore, remember to bring your PreACT test results and test booklet to class with you tomorrow for review day.
Heritage Club will be taking 12 members to the Museum of Science and Industry's "Christmas Around the World" exhibit and the Christkindlmarket on Sunday, December 8th. If you would like to go on this trip, read the information in our Google Classroom page and sign up today.
Thanks to everyone who helped with last night scholastic bowl we could not have done it without you.
Scholastic bowl practice this week Wednesday Varsity Thursday JV you can attend both
All girls interested in playing softball this spring please come to the LOFT for a meeting today during homeroom.
Morgan Nawa see Mrs. Prokup during homeroom today.
Berklee Linning, Nathan Potthoff, Alyssa Heitz, and Connor Jackson please see Mrs. Manning during homeroom today.
Student government will meet TOMORROW in Mrs. Manning’s room during homeroom.