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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Monday, November 18, 2019

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We need community to help us reach our goal. Faith is not and individual journey; it's a team sport.

  •  Our Donor of the Day is: Dr. Jean Loftus and Mr. Jim Griffin. Dr. Loftus is the daughter of the late Joseph Loftus, Sr., a 1951 graduate and longtime supporter to St. Bede. We are blessed with their kindness and generosity. Please keep Dr. Loftus and Mr. Griffin in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • RIPS night tonight from 5-8 to help out our boys basketball. Tickets are $10 and available at the door.

  • Girls bowling practice today at 3:15 at the Super Bowl in Peru. If you didn’t sign up but still want to join show up today to practice.

  • Girls' TEC the first weekend of December. See Fr. Ronald, if interested or you want more information.

  • Christmas toy and book drive coming up. Start bring toys and books in. Also, remember our hungry sisters and brothers and fill the blue cart.

  • Toilet Paper Tower class competition. The following see Fr. Ronald during homeroom: Kassidy Brady, Allison Morton, Jake Jackson, Madalyn Torrance.

  • NET days for sophomores and freshmen on Thursday and Friday this week.

  • Scholastic Bowl team meet in art studio after school today to set up for tonight's matches

  • Heritage Club will be taking 12 members to the Museum of Science and Industry's "Christmas Around the World" exhibit and the Christkindlmarket on Sunday, December 8th. If you would like to go on this trip, read the information in our Google Classroom page and sign up today.

  • The winter work study schedule is available on GOOGLE classroom. All work study students should sign up today.

  • Come out to see The Celebration of Lights Festival at Rotary Park in LaSalle tomorrow from 5-10 p.m. 50% of all donations collected on this night will be donated to St. Bede Academy from the LaSalle Rotary

  • All honors Pre-Calc students bring your homework notebook and both Ch 4 quizzes to class today.

  • Students interested in the Spanish trip: Please be aware of the meeting changes! Also, don't forget to submit your essay portions this week to be considered for the 2021 Spanish trip.


  • Sophia Su and Beau Gerber please see Mrs. Plankenhorn this morning during homeroom.

  • FOLLOWING STUDENTS PLEASE SEE MRS. GENGLER TODAY DURING HOMEROOM: Yadi Garcia, Nolan May, Emily Robbins, Nathan Potthoff, Stephen Shaw, Debbie Daluga, Catie Lukancic, Trevor Mooney, Peter Sampson, Maureen Gengsler, Emma Borelli, Kassidy, John Brady, Ryan Brady, Macy & Lia Bosnich, Claire Morrow, Mia Morrow.

  • All varsity girls basketball players see Coach McGunnigal today during homeroom in the LOFT

  • Student government executive board please see Mrs. Manning during homeroom today.

  • Tina Li to come to Mrs. Wagner’s office during homeroom today.