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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Thursday, November 21, 2019

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Remember, being happy doesn't mean you have it all. It simply means you're thankful for all you have.

  • Our Donor of the Day For Dec 20th is: Thomas Kunkel. Mr. Kunkel is a 1976 graduate and is the Director of National Accounts at Ryder Systems in Connecticut. We are blessed with his generosity and support for decades. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Our Donor of the Day for Dec 21st isDavid Panizzi. Mr. Panizzi is a 1983 graduate and is the Group Director for Federal Signal Corporation. We are blessesd with his kindness and generosity. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Tomorrow is a schedule 2 dress code which means blue jeans may be worn free of charge with a modest top. No holes or rips, no mid riff tops or hoodies. If you choose not to wear jeans our daily DENNIS uniform dress code needs to be followed.

  • Girls' TEC the first weekend of December. See Fr. Ronald, if interested or you want more information.

  • NET days for sophomores today and freshmen tomorrow. Begins after period A in the gym. Jean Day dress code.

  • We will be feasting on Thanksgiving. Let's remember those who won't and bring in food items to fill the blue cart. Also, start looking for a toy or book to make a child's Christmas brighter.

  • Fr. Dominic’s freshmen religion classes bring your textbooks to class today.

  • Teachers please allow all wrestlers to have their water with them today, they will be having a hydration test

  • Many students need to see Mrs. Prokup. Did you forget to stop by yesterday when your name was called to pick up a packet? Did you forget to pick up your information sheet for Jingle & Mingle Dueling Pianos or did you ordered winter sports yard signs and decals. See Mrs. Prokup today!!


  • Will the following Boarding Students please come to the Business Office: Wilt, David, Ivy, Leon.

  • Kameryn Ryan see Mrs. Prokup during homeroom today.

  • Olivia Wojcik please see Mrs. Yaklich during homeroom and then Mrs. Plankenhorn.

  • Anyone interested in keeping score, photographing, or filming for the wrestling team this season, please meet coach Allen in the refectory today & tomorrow during homeroom

  • James Irwin - see Mrs. Damerell today during homeroom