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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, February 14, 2023

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The goal of our life is to love God and others with our whole heart, soul, mind and body.


  • Boys' TEC is coming up the first weekend of March.  If you want to go or to know more, please see Fr. Ronald.

  •  If going on the ski trip, get your payment and permission slips in to Fr. Ronald today.

  •  Please join us for coloring and relaxation club starting this Thursday from 2:40-3:30 in room 225. All materials will be provided. See Mrs. Pettway or Mrs. Bernabei with any questions! We look forward to seeing you!

  •  Peer tutoring will take place in room 225 after school until 3:30 for all interested students. We look forward to seeing you!

  •  Prom committee meeting during homeroom, this Wednesday, room #16 PSC. 


  • Meeting for all who are interested in golfing next year in the art studio today during homeroom

  • Attention Stage Rats: Meeting in the Collaboration Room in the PSC NOW

  •  Ali Bosnich, Jeanna Ladzinski, and Ella Burris please report to Mr. Armato's office

  •  The following freshman need to see Mrs. Griggs (in the gym) today about their yearbook photo: Annabel Baker, Lily Bosnich, Emerald DeLaTorre, Eric Du, Mae Hagenbuch, Justin Li, Laney Senica, and Ryann Shue