ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, February 13, 2023
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We must offer an example of truth, if we expect others to find it.
Boys' TEC is coming up the first weekend of March. If you want to go or to know more, please see Fr. Ronald.
If going on the ski trip, get your payment in to Fr. Ronald by tomorrow.
Please join us for coloring and relaxation club starting this Thursday from 2:40-3:30 in room 225. All materials will be provided. See Mrs. Pettway or Mrs. Bernabei with any questions! We look forward to seeing you!
Meeting for all who are interested in golfing next year in the art studio on Tuesday during homeroom.
Softball players, please get your fish fry tickets money & lotto tickets turned in this week to Mrs. Griggs.
The winner of Friday’s Riddle of the Day is Micah Huettemann. The answer is: Post Office
Attention Stage Rats: Kitchen work at 7:30 this evening, all hands on deck for our big event tomorrow!!!!!!!!
Scholastic Bowl meeting today in the art studio during homeroom
Paige Tomaseski, Savannah Bray, Madelyn Torrance, Madisonlynn Lyons-Lewis, and Abby Michels please come to the main office now.
Noah Buck please see Mr. Hancock during homeroom and bring you chromebook!!!