Daily Announcements - Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Marcia Wagner
If you have a rosary, please bring it to this morning's prayer service. Also, a collection will be taken for our class charities. So, bring your donations to the service.
There are still 10 Turnabout dance guest forms that need to be turned in to the office. Thursday is the final deadline to hand them in. Forms will not be accepted the night of the dance. Several announcements have been made about this. Your guest will not be allowed into the dance if the form is not turned in by Thursday during homeroom.
Class of 2020 Top Ten Students - Please Turn In Your Info Sheets to Mrs. Gengler before March 13th
Seniors invited to the Rotary Banquet please get you reservation forms in to Mrs. Plankenhorn. Turn them in even if you do not plan on attending.
We are looking for students to volunteer at the 37th Annual St. Bede Auction on Saturday, April 25th. Please see Mrs. Prokup to sign up and be a part of this amazing event. All proceeds from this event help offset the cost of every student who attends St. Bede.
Winter Sports Banquet is this Sunday for all winter sport athletes and their families. Doors open at 3:30 dinner served at 4:00.
Scholastic bowl practice tomorrow after school.
All Junior Football Players check Google Classroom
STUDENTS: Drinks are NOT allowed in the main school building
Any freshman interested in being a guide on Shadow Days can sign up on the sheets outside of the Admissions Office!
There will be a WYSE meeting for all students involved on Monday during homeroom.
Boys interested in Tennis this Spring there will be a meeting Thursday during homeroom in the refectory.
Jaelyn Weber, Gianna Grivetti, Isabella Villalobos please see Mr. Fess during homeroom tomorrow.