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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Marcia Wagner

The good we do never dies. It lives on forever - in other people, in other places and in other times.

  • Are you a Junior interested in a military future? Sign up for the Kewanee High School Career Fair! Pick up your permission slip in the main office. Submit your permission slip to Mrs. Plankenhorn before March 13th.

  • Come out to our Girls Softball Lenten Fish Fry: This Friday at the LaSalle VFW. Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased at the door.

  • Softball players, please turn in your fish fry ticket money and lotto tickets to Mrs. Griggs by Wednesday. The work schedule is posted on google classroom and outside the chorus room. If you need to switch times or your name is not on the list please let Mrs. Griggs know.

  • Lent begins tomorrow. Begin thinking about your Lenten resolutions.

  • Lectio this week on Thursday.

  • Seniors get your little known fact in to Mrs. Prushinksi.

  • AS A REMINDER: Students need to bring their Chromebooks home nightly and make sure they are charged. In the event of inclement weather BCR alerts will be sent out by 6:00 am.

  • A job well done Scholastic Bowl team on your 4th place finish in the TRAC standing and to Alyssa Heitz on making 1st team all-conference with the 4th highest total of tossups answered.

  • Ø Europe 2020 travelers: Check your email today. Have your parents do the same. See you tonight at 6:15!

  • Ø We are looking for students to volunteer at the 37th Annual St. Bede Auction on Saturday, April 25th. Please see Mrs. Prokup to sign up and be a part of this amazing event. All proceeds from this event help offset the cost of every student who attends St. Bede.

  • Ø Maddie McGunnigal, Erin Gray, Charleigh Holmes, and Beau Bonnell – you are responsible for Turnabout dance ticket sales today. Check student government Classroom page for your assignment and remember to bring your laptops.

  • This week is the final sale for Turnabout dance tickets. Student government members will be available during lunch periods for you to purchase them. Friday, Feb. 28 is the final sale date. The cost is $5.00 per person. The dance will be on Saturday, March 7 from 7-9:30 pm in the gym.

  • Guest request forms need to be turned in to Mrs. Plankenhorn by Monday March 2.

  • The following juniors still need to turn in their ACT ticket. Please see Ms. Bernabei now. Dominic Bima, Tim Croissant, Perla De La Torre, Ethan Fleming, Grace Mertel, Caroline Moskalewicz, Teghan Tillman.

  • Mrs. Damerell’s B period class please report to room 111 for class today and period C to room 231.


  • Berklee Linnig please see Mr. Harlow during homeroom today.

  • Wilt Cao, Ivy Fan, and Sophia Su please come to the Business Office.

  • Brianda Cain and Miranda Mazzorana please see Mrs. Plankenhorn.

  • Book Club meeting during homeroom in room209

  • Macy Bosnich, Kassidy Brady, Sam Maschmann, Maddy Spayer, Claudia Orteza see Ms. Bernabei.

  • There will be a Polar Plunge team meeting tomorrow during homeroom in Mrs. Manning’s room. Everyone must attend.