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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Marcia Wagner

Let this Lent be the time you give up who you've been for what you can become.

  • ATTENTION PE CLASSES: Classes will meet in the following rooms today: B – Mrs. Horst’s room (325), C – Ms. Gonzalez (115), F – (205), G – Mr. Eustice (206). All students are asked to bring study materials to class with you today. Health classes will meet in your normal classroom (205)

  • Schedule 2 dress code tomorrow. Jeans may be worn free of charge. NO holes or rips a modest top, no half tops or hoodies. If you choose not to wear jeans our daily DENNIS uniform dress code needs to be followed

  • CELL PHONES: There has been an increased violation of cell phones lately! Cell phones are to be stored TURNED OFF in you locker from 7:50 am - 2:40 pm. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you need to make a phone call during the school day you may use the office phone.

  • Stage Rats meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the gym.

  • JUNIORS: Remember to submit your permissions slips for the upcoming Trade & Career Fair by Friday March 13th. Seats are limited! Forms are in Mrs. Plankenhorn’s office. Space is LIMITED so this is only open to Juniors.

  • Tomorrow is the final day to purchase your Turnabout dance tickets. Student government members will be available during lunch periods for you to purchase them. The cost is $5.00 per person. The dance will be on Saturday, March 7 from 7-9:30 pm in the gym

  • All Lectio groups meet today.

  • If you would be interested in mass and breakfast before school on Tuesdays during Lent, put your name on list on Fr. Ronald's door.

  • Rosary tomorrow during lunch periods.

  • Lunch prayers at lunch begin on Monday.

  • We are looking for students to volunteer at the 37th Annual St. Bede Auction on Saturday, April 25th. Please see Mrs. Prokup to sign up and be a part of this amazing event. All proceeds from this event help offset the cost of every student who attends St. Bede.

  • Seniors invited to the Rotary banquet get your reservations into Mrs. Plankenhorn.

  • Freshman remember to turn in your dental exams to Mrs. Plankenhorn.

  • Softball players that have not turned in their fish fry tickets or lotto tickets need to drop them off in the chorus room today. Make sure your name is on them. All new players that need fish fry shirts please see Mrs. Griggs today or tomorrow during your study hall or after school.

  • Andi Cattani see Coach McGunnigal today during your study hall. Miranda Mazzorana see Coach McGunnigal immediately after school today.

  • Krystal De la Torre, Mia Morrow, Madison Miranda, and Peter Sampson – you are responsible for Turnabout dance ticket sales today. Check student government Classroom page for your assignment and remember to bring your laptops.

  • The following students need to see Ms. Bernabei during their SH today: Period B Paul Hart & Colin Nave; Period D Tim Croissant, Perla De La Torre; Simon Li; Period E1 Olivia Cisnero


  • Caden Backes please see Mrs. Plankenhorn during homeroom today.

  • Hannah Johnson see Mrs. Olivero-Gong in the refectory during homeroom today.

  • There will be a Polar Plunge team meeting today during homeroom in Mrs. Manning’s room. Everyone must attend.

  • Student government will have a meeting in Mrs. Manning’s room tomorrow during homeroom.