Daily Announcements - Monday, February 10, 2020
Marcia Wagner
People don't fail because they want to fail; they fail because they don't know how to succeed.
Our Donor of the Day is Dave Bergonia. Mr. Bergonia is a 1969 graduate and celebrated this past year becoming a Golden Bedan at his 50th Reunion. We are blessed with his kindness and generosity. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.
Our Donor of the Day is Michael VanDeRostyne. Mr. VanDeRostyne is a 1970 graduate and will be celebrating his 50th reunion this year. We are blessed with his kindness and generosity for decades. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today
Gwen Gonzalez's grandfather died on Friday. Please remember him, Gwen and the family in your prayers.
Last Supper Club on Wednesday. Sign up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door.
Sorry. Not enough signed up for the ski trip on Presidents's Day.
Want to go on a nun weekend? See Fr. Ronald or your religion teacher for more information.
Boys' TEC coming up. Get your applications in or see Fr. Ronald for more information.
Scholastic Bowl tonights Varsity match at Rockridge the bus is leaving at 3:30 meet at the Refectory.
Juniors- If you haven’t registered for the April ACT do it now. Turn in a copy of your ACT ticket to Ms. Bernabei when your registration is complete.
Students who volunteered for the Hunger Blitz on Feb 1st, please enter your hours into x2vol asap.
Attention Seniors:
IVCC placement testing is in full swing. The earlier you get started the better selection of courses you will have. See Ms. Bernabei if you need help.
Several local scholarships are now available. Check the scholarship list on the guidance website.
Cover pages for the North Central Bank CBAI scholarship are due to Ms. Bernabei by Thursday, Feb 13.
Seniors, Turn in pgs. 1 & 2 of your North Central Bank CBAI Scholarship application to Ms. Bernabei. Due Feb. 13th.
Teen of the Month applications due to guidance Friday, Feb 14th.
Ambassadors need to sign up for a work shift for 8th Grade Class Selection interviews. Sign up sheet is outside the Admissions Office
Mrs. Gonzalez B period please report to Mrs. Rynkewicz’s room for class today.
Polar Plungers need to return their release forms to Mrs. Manning this week.
Student government executive board will meet during homeroom in Mrs. Manning's room. This is for executive board only
The entire student government will meet tomorrow during homeroom in Mrs. Manning's room.
Everyone interested in playing golf next fall meeting in the Art Studio tomorrow during homeroom.
Perla De LaTorre, Shawn Schwemlein, and Owen Espel please bring your chromebooks to Mrs. Plankenhorn’s office.
Lance Wang, Ian Yang, Maks Sharshekeev, and David Liu please come to the business office.
Alleana Mendoza, Stephen Shaw, and Jaden Hart please see Fr. Ronald during homeroom.