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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Thursday, February 6, 2020

Marcia Wagner

Kindness flows out of recognizing the simple truth that people - all kinds of people- matter. We were all made by the same God and made in his image.

  • Our Donor of the Day is Mike & June Rossiter. Mr Rossiter is a 1961 graduate and lives in Peoria. They are longtime friends and generous supporters for decades to St. Bede. Please keep them in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Reminder to all work study students. Dates have been added to calendar. Please check schedule on google classroom. If you do not show to your assigned date you will be fined $50 for each assignment you missed.

  • Period C PE class report to Mrs. Manning's room with study materials.

  • Any teachers that would like a crucifix they are in Abbot Philip’s office. Please come by and pick one out. There is a variety of styles available.

  • Mrs. Olivero-Gong’s classes should all report to the study hall today for class.

  • Stage Crew will meet tonight at 7:30 in the gym to work on props and platforms!

  • If there is enough interest, there will be a Ski Trip on Presidents' Day. Need at least 30 participants. Sign up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door. Do so by tomorrow. That is the day it will be determined if the trip happens or not.

  • Last Supper Club on Wednesday. Sign up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door.

  • Boys' TEC coming up the 22-24 of this month. Get your application in. If you need more information, see Fr. Ronald.

  • Interested in a weekend with nuns? See Fr. Ronald for more details.

  • A ring was found it room 212 yesterday. Please see Mrs. Plankenhorn to identify.


  • Lucy Kleczewski, Ben Johll, and Allie Hernandez please see Mrs. Plankenhorn and bring your Chromebooks. Thomas Makransky and RJ Talbot also see Mrs. Plankenhorn please.

  • Emma Borelli please see Fr. Ronald during homeroom today.

  • Brady Hurst please see Fr. Michael near the Loft today during homeroom.

  • Aaron Xu please come to guidance.

  • Student government executive board will meet on Friday during homeroom in Mrs. Manning's room. This is for executive board only