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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Monday, February 3, 2020

Marcia Wagner

The goal is to see yourself with the eyes of God, which means to love yourself as God loves you.

  • Mrs. Wiltse’s period B class please report to the study hall today for class. Bring study materials with you.

  • Lots of great food is always part of Superbowl weekend. Hope you had some. Now, time to bring some in for our hungry sisters and brothers.

  • Feast of St. Blaise today. He was an early martyr and once cured a boy with a fish bone in his throat. When he was in a dark prison, before he was martyred, a woman brought candles. Blessing of throats is a tradition in the church. All are welcome to receive the blessing during lunch periods.

  • If there is enough interest, there will be a Ski Trip on Presidents' Day, two weeks from today. Need at least 30 participants. Sign up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door.

  • Job well done to Scholastic Bowl "The JV 3'' finishing in 6th and to Leah Wilson making the All-Tournament Team in the 3rd spot on Saturday at Roanoke-Benson.

  • Scholastic Bowl team leaving for Hall at 4:30 today. Meet outside the Refectory.


  • Mia Morrow and Alleana Mendoza see Fr. Ronald.

  • All Polar Plunge participants need to meet in Mrs. Manning’s room during homeroom today.

  • WYSE permission slips should be picked in Mr. Fitzpatrick’s room today during homeroom. WYSE is this Friday.

  • People interested in Food Car see Mr. Fitzpatrick today or tomorrow during homeroom so we can make teams.