Daily Announcements - Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Marcia Wagner
A bad attitude is like a flat tire. You can't go anywhere until you change it.
Our Donor of the Day is Paul Biolchini. Mr. Biolchini is a 1969 graduate and celebrated this past year becoming a Golden Bedan at his 50th Reunion. We are blessed with his kindness and support which is generously matched by Boeing. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.
Mrs. Morrow’s B period class report to Mrs. Manning’s room today for class.
Seniors - There are 2 more chances to apply for Princeton Elks Teen of the Month. Application are needed for 2 boys and 2 girls. Due dates are Feb 14th and March 13th.
Matthew Rich, Johnathan Hackney, Logan Miskell see Ms. Bernabei today period D today to get your course registration info. Bring your Chrome books.
Congratulations to Madison Miranda for being selected as January Teen of the Month winner by the Oglesby Elks. Madison please see Ms. Bernabei.
Congratulations to Berklee Linnig and Michael Dittmar for being selected as the Oglesby Elks February Teen of the Month nominees. Berklee and Michael are now in the competition for Teen of the Month with nominees from area high schools
Congratulation to Macy Bosnich and Sam Maschmann for being selected for Teen of the Year nominees for the Oglesby Elks. Please see Ms. Bernabei for application and deadline info.
Juniors- If you haven’t registered for the April ACT do it now! If you qualify for a fee waiver see Ms. Bernabei before your register. Turn in a copy of your ACT ticket when your registration is complete.
Students who volunteered for the Hunger Blitz last Saturday, please enter your hours into x2vol ASAP
SENIORS: IVCC placement testing is in full swing. The earlier you get started the better selection of courses you will have. See Ms. Bernabei if you need help. The IVCC Foundation Scholarship is due to IVCC on Feb 6th. You must also have your FAFSA complete and your transcript sent to IVCC as a requirement of this scholarship. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE DAY IT IS DUE TO START THIS PROCES! Several local scholarships are now available. Check the scholarship list on the guidance website. Seniors, Turn in pgs. 1 & 2 of your North Central Bank CBAI Scholarship application to Ms. Bernabei due Feb. 13th.
The blue cart does have some food in it now. Let's fill it.
If there is enough interest, there will be a Ski Trip on Presidents' Day two weeks from yesterday. Need at least 30 participants. Sign up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door.
Anyone interested in a weekend with nuns, see Fr. Ronald so we can come up with dates that work
Boys' TEC is February 22-24. It's the last Boys' TEC of the year. See Fr. Ronald if want more information.
Stage Rats meet tonight and tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m. in the gym
All computer science students must bring their headphones to class.
Scholastic Bowl Practice Thursday after school in the Art Studio
Interested in Food Car? See Mr. Fitzpatrick during homeroom today.
The following need to see Mrs. H-F during homeroom: RJ Talbot, Marissa Boehm, Frederick Fess, Claire Morrow, Maddie Theesfeld.
Zach Bohne see Ms. Bernabei today during homeroom.
Veronica Martin, Paige Kraml, Stephen Shaw and Trenton Acuncius. Please see Fr. Ronald during homeroom.
All students competing in the Overwatch ESports season must see Mr. Fess this morning.