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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Thursday, January 27, 2022

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It is not God's grace that is lacking, but rather our willingness to cooperate with his grace. 

  • Please keep senior Colin Nave and his family in your prayers, his grandmother passed away earlier this week.

  • Good luck to Trenton Acuncius as he heads to the State Bowling Tournament today!  It’s a great day to be a BRUIN!!

  • Tomorrow is a schedule 2 dress code.  Jeans may be worn free of charge no holes or rips, modest tops, no half shirts or hoodies.  If you choose not to wear jeans our daily DENNIS uniform dress code must be followed.

  • Polar Plunge is the last Saturday in February. You can still sign up.  Those who have signed up and received information on how to register on-line, please do so. Any questions, see Fr. Ronald.

  • On Monday, February 21st there will be a ski trip to Alpine Valley Ski Resort.  The group cost per person is:  $45 for ski lift and $35 for ski rental.  Soon a sign-up sheet is on Fr. Ronald's office door.

  • The next Boys' TEC is the end of February.  If you want an application or to know more, see Fr. Ronald.

  • The Youth Environmental Summit, created by students at Pontiac Township High School, is looking for students at any grade level to talk for 5-8 mins in a TED Talk format to share their experiences with environmental action and activism.  Students who participate as a presenter will receive service hours. See your student email for more information.

  • Any Freshmen interested in playing baseball needs to see Coach Eustice today for information!

  • Wrestlers and managers need to dismiss at 2:25 today.

  • Students – Be sure you are double checking your work when you submit assignments in Google Classroom when using Doc Hub.  Some assignments are being turned in blank when using Doc Hub.  If you are having this problem, please see Mr. Harlow


  • Any boys interested in playing Tennis this spring please meet in the refectory now for a quick meeting.

  • Avery Entrican, Jake Bradach.  Please see Fr. Ronald, now, during homeroom.

  • Ryan Slingsby, Haiden Ator, Bella Verucchi, Anna An, Mina Trandinh, bring your Chromebooks to Mr. Harlow’s Office