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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday, January 26, 2022

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Discipline is the path that leads to fullness of life. 

  • Seniors, coaches should have handed out the senior night form. Please fill out and return to Mrs. Nambo. Senior night is Feb. 8th.

  • Anyone who would like to sell 50/50 for service hours at Saturday night’s home game please see Mrs. Nambo.

  • Polar Plunge is the last Saturday in February.  This will benefit Special Olympics.  If you signed up and are no longer interested, please cross your name out.  If interested and haven't signed up, add your name to sign on Fr. Ronald's door. Directions on how to register will be given TODAY to all who have signed up.

  • On Monday, February 21st there will be a skit trip to Alpine Valley Ski Resort.  The group cost per person is:  $45 for ski lift and $35 for ski rental.  Soon a sign-up sheet is on Fr. Ronald's office door.

  • Scholastic Bowl practice tomorrow in the Art Studio after school

  • Attention Stage Rats! Be sure to check the Stage Rat Google Classroom page every day for our work schedule. We work tonight, Thursday and Friday.

  • Winter sport athletes be sure to COVID test during your study hall.  Do not eat or drink for 1 hour prior to testing.  Any other students that are wanting to test may do so also.  If you have had a positive result with in the last 90 days you do not have to test.

  • Service Hours Opportunity:  The IL Valley YMCA in Peru is looking for individuals to do promo photos and videos for their new website.

  • Interested parties should contact Mrs. Gengler for more information.


  • Mina Trandinh, Isabel Villalobos, Sierah Shaver, Zoe Roebuck, Megan Olson, Jaden Hart, Maureen Gensler, Summer Conlin, Paige Pyszka, Madison McGunnigal, Ava Manicki, Morgan Jones, Grace Irwin and Aleanna Mendoza please see Mrs. Nambo.

  • Student government will meet during homeroom today. Go to Mrs. Manning's room 26/28 in the basement.

  • Grace Irwin come to Mr. Harlow’s office.