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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Tuesday, January 25, 2022

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There is meaning and purpose to life.  More specifically: There is a meaning and purpose to your life. 

  • Students:  remind your parents to rsvp for the Anti-Bullying presentation for PARENTS ONLY. This presentation is tailored specifically to address parental concerns. Tonight, Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 6:15-7:15 pm in the Perino Science Center. RSVP to kindly requested but not required. Check your school email for more information.

  • Polar Plunge is the last Saturday in February.  This will benefit Special Olympics.  If you signed up and are no longer interested, please cross your name out.  If interested and haven't signed up, add your name to sign on Fr. Ronald's door. Directions on how to register will be given tomorrow to all who have signed up.

  • On Monday, February 21st there will be a skit trip to Alpine Valley Ski Resort.  The group cost per person is:  $45 for ski lift and $35 for ski rental.  Soon a sign-up sheet will be posted.

  • All Freshmen playing baseball to stop by the weight room immediately after school on Wednesday to meet Coach Booker. Season dates & team shop info will be given.


  • Student government will meet during homeroom on Wednesday.