ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday, January 24, 2022
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The more you know God and trust in his ways, the more you are able to be patient with the other people around you.
Girls who were to be part of TEC a month ago, see Fr. Ronald, now, to discuss the re-scheduled TEC.
Scholastic Bowl tonight in Princeton the Bus leaving today at 4:00
Any boy who is interested in participating in Track and Field this year, Please meet today at 2:45 in the student common area.
Service Hours Opportunity: The IL Valley YMCA in Peru is looking for individuals to do promo photos and videos for their new website. Interested parties should contact Mrs. Gengler for more information.
Avery Entrican and Stephen Shaw, please see Fr. Ronald, NOW.
Abby Nawa, Avery Entrican and Rubi De La Torre please see Mrs. Plankenhorn now.
Grace Maschmann and Kaitlyn Kobilsek please see Mrs. Nambo now.
Gwen Struck see Mrs. Prushinski during Homeroom – Room 111