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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Guest User

Here's a challenge: See if you can make it through just one day without judging anyone.  Unspoken criticism is also off limits. 

  • At this evening's St. Bede/Hall BKB fans will have a friendly competition.  Who can bring in the most food for the hungry of our area?  Let's show them what we can do.  Our hungry sisters and brothers will be the real winners.

  • Still needing volunteers to help with collecting the food tonight at the game, please see Mrs. Plankenhorn if interested.

  • NET Day tomorrow for sophomores and freshmen.  Begins, in the gym, after Period A. Relaxed dress code for those

  • Make your own pizza and movie night this Saturday at 6:30. Sign-up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door.

  • Interested in Polar Plunge on Saturday, February 26th?  Want more information? Sign-up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door.

  • Last Supper Club on Thursday.   Going to Kaddywampus in Granville. Transportation provided.  Sign-up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door.  Sign up so we can get a number to the restaurant.

  • Lectio this Thursday.  If unable to attend, see Fr. Ronald.

  • All St. Bede parents are invited to attend an Anti-Bullying presentation for PARENTS ONLY. This presentation is tailored specifically to address parental concerns. Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 6:15-7:15 pm in the Perino Science Center. RSVP to kindly requested but not required. Students and faculty will attend this presentation during the school day. Check your school email for more information.


  • During homeroom, today, a photo of all those who brought in an Advent basket of food.  Meet in the science center.

  • Student government will meet during homeroom today. Go to Mrs. Manning's room 26/28 in the basement.

  • Nubia Sajuan, Payton Giordano, Grace Irwin, Renn Ludford, Deb Daluga, Abby Nawa and Kaitlyn Kobilsek please see Mrs. Nambo.