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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Guest User

What we have freely received, we ought to freely give. 

  • Petra and Adeline Mitchell's grandmother died recently.  Please keep her and the family in your prayers,

  • Student remind your parents to rsvp for the Anti-Bullying presentation for PARENTS ONLY. This presentation is tailored specifically to address parental concerns. Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 6:15-7:15 pm in the Perino Science Center. RSVP to kindly requested but not required. Students and faculty will attend this presentation during the school day. Check your school email for more information.

  • Mrs. Griggs gave the yearbook camera to a staff member before Christmas.  If you have the yearbook camera, or if you see the black and yellow case somewhere, please return it to Mrs. Griggs ASAP.

  • Lectio tomorrow.  If unable to attend, see Fr. Ronald.

  • Last Supper Club tomorrow.   Going to Kaddywampus in Granville. Transportation provided.  Sign-up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door.  Please sign up today, so we can get a number to the restaurant.

  • Make your own pizza and movie night this Saturday at 6:30. Sign-up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door.

  • Scholastic Bowl practice tomorrow after school in the Art Studio

  • Mrs. Horst’s period E Speech class please report to Mrs. Manning’s room for class Rm 26 in the basement.