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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday, December 1, 2021

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The word advent means 'expectation'. What advent can do for us is create a sense of hope.

  • All students attending a St. Bede sporting event must show their student ID to be allowed free admission. If you do not show your ID to the ticket taker you will be charged to enter. Do not walk by the ticket taker and not acknowledge him/her assuming they recognize you as a SBA student. That is rude. Helpful hint: take a picture of your student ID and keep it on your phone. Show the picture of your ID as you enter.

  • Advent reflection booklets will be distributed today in religion classes.

  • If anyone else wants a Reverse Advent Calendar box for food for the hungry, please see Fr. Ronald.

  • A reminder.  Please get toys and books here by December 8th, i.e. one week from today.  We need to deliver them on the 9th.

  • If you have already volunteered or would like to volunteer to work at the Celebration of Lights at Rotary park on Dec 28th see Mrs. Prushinski in room 111 or send her an email at Another service opportunity Saturday Dec. 11 from 4-7 pm  for the Winter Wonderland at Westclox.  Information can be found on St. Bede website under service opportunities or Mrs. Prushinski for details.

  • Aleah Espel and Ari Kauffman see Mrs. Wagner sometime today.

  • Scholastic Bowl practice tomorrow after school in the art studio

  • The following Heritage Club members need to bring their Advent money to Mrs. Rynkewicz today: Kristal De La Torre, Jaden Hart, Renn Ludford, Anna McDonald, Brady Mudge, Megan Olson, Katriene Sibbaluca, Mina Trandihn, and Jack Wallace

  • CONGRATULATIONS to Jaelyn Weber, Kaden Nauman, and Emma Smudzinski on being our #GivingTuesday WINNERS!

    Please pick-up your prizes from Mrs. Gengler. Great Job Bruins!

  • Please join the Development Department in celebrating a fantastic GivingTuesday! We  have met our original goal of $130,000 in honor of our 130th Anniversary!

    In addition, the 2 bonus matches released last night of $5,000 each has brought us to a grand total of over $150,000! We have raised over $817,000 since our first GivingTuesday in 2015! Thank you to all who helped to make yesterday possible, we are truly blessed.


  •  Luke Story and Alyssa Schneider come to Mr. Harlow’s office with your Chromebook. 

  • Katie Zeller, Aleda Hoogland, Steven Shaver, and Gianna Rigazio Please see Fr. Ronald NOW during homeroom.

  • Sophia Su and Josie Zhou see Mrs. Wagner now