ANNOUNCEMENTS Thursday, December 2, 2021
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Advent, like its cousin Lent, is a season for prayer and reformation of our hearts.
Yearbook staff! Please complete information posted in google classroom. Small groups will meet during study halls or after school to start choosing photos, tagging, and finalize the cover.
All student government members should attend a short meeting tomorrow morning, Friday, Dec. 3, at 7:35 am. We will meet in the PSC Commons area.
If anyone else wants a Reverse Advent Calendar box for food for the hungry, please see Fr. Ronald.
A reminder. Please get toys and books here by December 8th, i.e. one week from today. We need to deliver them on the 9th.
All girls going to TEC this weekend, please see Fr. Ronald, NOW, during homeroom.
Scholastic Bowl practice after school today in the Art Studio.