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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, April 21, 2023

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God is in charge.  He is in charge of history and of our individual lives.  And that means that we matter to God-each one of us.

  • Lectio on Monday and Tuesday.  Monday both lunch periods.  Tuesday second lunch.

  •  Last Supper Club on Tuesday to Mickey's Massive Burrito in LaSalle.  Sign-up sheet on board near Fr. Ronald's office.

  •  The Food Pantry let us know they are in need of cereal.  Bring in a box of your favorite cereal for the hungry kids of our area.

  •  Are you short on service hours? See Fr. Dom for an opportunity to earn hours here at Saint Bede this Saturday.

  • Do you have a younger sibling, cousin, niece, nephew, neighbor, or paperboy who wants to ball like a Bruin? St. Bede Summer Sports Camps are coming up fast! Families can sign up online or with order forms from Mr. Steben. 

  • Want to show your support for St. Bede in your community? Yard signs are available for $7 per sign - what a steal! Order forms can be found outside Mr. Steben's office and are due by Friday, May 5th. 

  • Attention Boys Basketball:  Anyone who hasn't turned in their basketball uniform please do so in the coach's office, after school on Wednesday, April 26th.

  •  Quiktrip in Peru, IL will be having a two-week hiring event coming up on April 24th. Anyone interested should come see Mrs. Hurst in the main office.

  •  Teachers, please release all track participants at 1:30pm today as their bus departs at 1:45pm.  Mr. Armato has sent rosters in an email.

  • All students - you are respectfully reminded that you may only park in designated student parking areas while on campus.  This includes both before and after school as well as weekends.  Students are not to park in non-student areas, this includes behind the power house, the driving path on the north side of the school, and the courtyard.  Thank you for your attention to this reminder.

  •  A few reminders for Juniors the SAT next Tuesday, April 25th:  Testing room assignments are now posted outside the counseling office and have been shared with all teachers. Please check this list and make sure you know where to go BEFORE Tuesday morning. Testers must be in their assigned testing room ready to begin at 7:50 am.  Bring a current driver’s license or school ID, several sharpened #2 wooden pencils, a good eraser, approved calculator, back-up calculator & extra batteries, a healthy snack and a drink. If you need to borrow a calculator please do this BEFORE test day!!! We will not have calculators available to borrow on the morning of the test. All cell phones, smart watches, chrome books and other electronic devices (except calculators) should be left in your locker. They should not be brought into the testing room.  Students will not be allowed to open their lockers during testing or breaks. Students will be dismissed when testing concludes at approx. 11:30 and lunch will not be served. This is a regular Dennis Uniform dress day.

  •  On Tuesday, April 25th – freshman & soph will not be in attendance and should check with their teachers for assignments.  Seniors will be excused for a college visit day.

  •  All Seniors are required to be in study hall period A on Thursday, April 27th for Save-A-Life assembly activities. ACC students will need to see Ms. Bernabei on Wednesday to get information needed for the assembly.

  •  Congratulations to all who participated in the TRAC Art Festival and especially to our award winners ….

    HON. MENTION:  Lorelei Denny, Harrison Fess, Laney Senica, Madelyn Torrance, Addison Derlein, Olivia Lin, Yonnis Yong

    3RD:   Olivia Lin, Petranella Mitchell, Viola Ren

    2ND:   Olivia Lin

    1ST:    Lily Rauh-Fernandez, Samantha Blaskiewicz, Andrea Brandner

  •  Announcement Deadlines:

    Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday: 9:30 AM Deadline

    Tuesday: 9:15 AM Deadline


  • Prom committee meeting today during homeroom in PSC #16. 

  •  Hayden Arkins and Dylan Hunter report to room 204 at the beginning of D period. 

  •  Ali Rimmele, Gianna Rigazio, and Kristina Penaverde please come to the Main Office NOW! Very Important!!!!