ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, April 17, 2023
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Even faith is a gift of God, not something we earn. Faith cannot save us if we deny that faith by the way we live.
SAT Word of the Day: Nettle- to irritate
I don’t particularly like having blue hair- I just do it to nettle my parents.
The results of collection for our Lenten Charities. Thank you so much.
Senior $947/$840 113%
Junior $1,217/$1,035 117%
Sophomore $929/$$1,065 87%
Freshman $1,162/$1,170 99%
Fac/Staff $124
Total $4,379/$4,110 106%
Any student who received a permission slip form for the trip to Peoria on Friday needs to turn them into the main office asap!
Senior boys, don’t forget to bring your $10 to the main office for the Senior Picnic.
Seniors please complete yearbook google form survey for the yearbook. It is due Monday, April 17. If you can’t find the email with the correct link, please email Mrs. Griggs.
Peer tutoring will take place in room 225 after school until 3:30 for all interested students. We look forward to seeing you!
Everyone interested in golfing next fall meet in the Art Studio during homeroom on Tuesday
All those interviewing for Ambassadors: your interview date and time is listed in your email, as well as outside Mr. Steben's office. Please contact him with any questions.
Do you have a younger sibling, cousin, niece, nephew, neighbor, or paperboy who wants to ball like a Bruin? St. Bede Summer Sports Camps are coming up fast! Families can sign up online or with order forms from Mr. Steben.
Want to show your support for St. Bede in your community? Yard signs are available for $7 per sign - what a steal! Order forms can be found outside Mr. Steben's office and are due by Friday, May 5th.
Congratulations to Bella and Mae Hagenbuch for becoming Gold Medalists and advancing to the World Mixed Championship as team USA in the fall for Curling!!! We are so proud of you!!!!
Joe Bima, Sam Bima, Drew Roda, and Kaelyn Schwemlein please come to the main office now.
Max Bray, Jack Maschmann, and Alyssa Engels please see Mrs. Nambo now.