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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, April 18, 2023

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Giving thanks reminds us that life is an extraordinary privilege.  Joy doesn't come from having but from appreciating what we have.

  •  SAT Word of the Day: Plethora- excess

    Assuming that more was better, the defendant offered the judge a plethora of excuses.

  •  Last Supper Club this coming Tuesday, April 25th.  Details to follow.

  •  Are you short on service hours? See Fr. Dom for an opportunity to earn hours here at Saint Bede this Saturday.

  • Do you have a younger sibling, cousin, niece, nephew, neighbor, or paperboy who wants to ball like a Bruin? St. Bede Summer Sports Camps are coming up fast! Families can sign up online or with order forms from Mr. Steben. 

  • Want to show your support for St. Bede in your community? Yard signs are available for $7 per sign - what a steal! Order forms can be found outside Mr. Steben's office and are due by Friday, May 5th. 

  • If you were given a permission slip to attend Thursday’s High School Eucharistic Conference, please get them turned in no later than TOMORROW!!! If you need a copy, stop by the main office and we will gladly get you a copy!!!!

  • Senior boys, don’t forget to bring your $10 to the main office for the Senior Picnic.

  •  Ambassadors- Check the classroom ASAP. There is important information about upcoming events.

  •  Announcement Deadlines:

    Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday: 9:30 AM Deadline

    Tuesday: 9:15 AM Deadline


  • Meeting for all Stage Rats in Fr. Dom's Office during homeroom today!

  •  Everyone interested in golfing next fall meet in the Art Studio during homeroom NOW

  • The following are asked to please see Fr. Ronald, now, during homeroom:  Aleah Espel, Andrea Brandner, Greyson Marincic, Lorelei Denny.