ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, April 5, 2023
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Life is choices. We are constantly making them. But, are we choosing wisely?
SAT Word of the Day: Circumspect- aware of potential consequences.
She was very circumspect in her language and behavior when first introduced to her fiancé’s parents.
Tomorrow will be our final prayer service this Lent. We will celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. We will follow our dress code with option of Crazy Socks for $2 or more to benefit Down Syndrome. Aubree Acuncius' sister, Evelyn, and her friend Lily will be with us.
Tomorrow bring Lenten donations and Rice Bowls to the prayer service.
Our Lenten Goal is $4,110. We are now at $3,585 which is 87% of our goal. Seniors 87%; Juniors 104%; Sophomores 62%; Freshmen 77%.
TOMORROW, April 6, 2023, (2:40PM) is the LAST DAY TO SUBMIT guest request forms for SBA prom. Forms may be turned into Mrs. Nambo, Mrs. Hurst or Mrs. Leffelman. NO ACCEPTIONS!!!!
40 more senior students still need to submit their yearbook survey form. Email Mrs. Griggs if you do not have the link. They are due Monday, April 17.
Seniors: IVCC Speech Class has been cancelled for TODAY, April 5th. MAKE SURE YOU COMPLETE YOUR ASSIGNMENT!!!!!!
Peer tutoring will be cancelled today. It will resume after break!
There will be a podcast club meeting in room 213 after school today.
Ambassador interviews are April 19, 20, and 21. You can sign up for a time outside Mr. Steben's office.
Just a reminder that the Prom Shirt Order form is DUE BY Thursday at 2:40. You have today and tomorrow to finish this or you will get a left-over size.
Seniors: First Federal Savings Bank is looking for Part Time Tellers this summer. Please see your e-mail for more information if interested. (Must be 18 to apply)
Lockers will be cleaned out the last five minutes of the day tomorrow for students who have lockers in the South end of old Main.
Lockers need to be completed empty. Items left in lockers will be disposed of. Books will need to go home as well.
Announcement Deadlines:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday: 9:30 AM Deadline
Tuesday: 9:15 AM Deadline
ALL Ambassadors will meet in the Loft during Homeroom today.