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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, March 16, 2023

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  • Just a reminder that there will be a collection for our Lenten charities at our prayer service today.

  •  Just a reminder that we will operate on an 11:20 dismissal schedule Tomorrow and it is a paid sweatpants day. There will also be no school on Monday, March 20, 2023.

  •  Will Ava Mueller see Mrs. Prokup during one of your passing periods after lunch.

  •  Ryann Shue, Ava Lattin, Alyssa Savitch please see Mr. Hancock during one of your passing periods after lunch and bring your chromebook.

  •  The spring musical Freaky Friday will be performed this weekend in the gym.  Friday and Saturday at 7:30 and Sunday at 2:30. Tickets are $10 for adults and students that do not attend St. Bede.  Catholic grade schools and St. Bede students get in Free with student ID.

  •  Thursday we will have coloring and relaxation club from 2:40-3:30 in room 225. All materials will be provided and all are welcome!

  •  St. Bede Ultimate Smash Esports team: Gavin Sandoval, Julian Villava, and Noah Buck racked up another win Wednesday, winning 2-0 against Chester High School in Chester, Illinois.

  •  Winter Senior athletes.  Your sport banners are in Mr. Armato's office.  Please stop by to grab yours.