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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, March 15, 2023

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Hope is not a matter of waiting for things outside of us to get better.  It is about getting better inside about what is going on outside.

  • The Bishop will be with us tomorrow for our weekly Lenten service.  This week we will have the stations of the cross. We will have our collection for Lenten charities.

  •  After 2 weeks of Lent, we are at $1,560 of our overall goal of $4,110.   Freshmen: $495; Sophomores: $419; Juniors: $107; Seniors: $485; Faculty/Staff $54.

  • If you didn't get a Rice Bowl, it's not too late to get one from your religion teacher.  You and your family can collect change for the hungry.

  •  Peer tutoring will take place in room 225 after school until 3:30 for all interested students. We look forward to seeing you!

  • The National Guard recruiter presentation is cancelled for this afternoon.  The rescheduled date will be announce as soon as possible.

  •  Don’t forget Friday is a half day and a paid sweatpants day for Ukraine!!! Wear your Green!!!!

  •  Also, no school on Monday!!!!


  •  Zoe Roebuck please see Mrs. Hurst in the Main Office

  •  The following need to see Fr. Ronald during Homeroom: Catherine Leon, Lorelei Denny, and ALL SENIOR MYSTERY TRIPPERS