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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, March 9, 2023

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  • SAT Word of The Day: Sedition- Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel.

  •  Congratulations to Beckham Baker. Beckham qualified state YMCA swim meet in the 500 Freestyle, 200 Freestyle Relay, and 200 Medley Relay.  He will compete this weekend in St John, Indiana. 

  •  Stage Rats Meet today after school in the gym. No crew tonight.

  •  St. Bede Ultimate Smash Esports team: Gavin Sandoval, Julian Villava, and Noah Buck racked up another win Wednesday, winning 2-0 against Thornton Township High School in Harvey, Illinois.

  •  Please join us for coloring and relaxation club today from 2:40-3:30 in room 225.