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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS -Wednesday, March 8, 2023

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Don't look back.  You're not going that way.

  • SAT Word of The Day: Rarefy – to make or become more dense or solid

  •  Tomorrow is Junior Day of Recollection. Juniors are able to wear a relaxed dress code. All school rules apply and please dress modestly.

  •  Let's remember our hungry sisters and brothers and fill the Blue Cart.

  •  All-school Lenten service followed by Junior Day of Recollection.  Please bring your donations for your Lenten class charities.

  •  Peer tutoring will take place in room 225 after school until 3:30 for all interested students. We look forward to seeing you!

  •  There will be a podcast club meeting in room 213 after school today.


  •  There is a WYSE Meeting in Room 18 NOW!

  •  Ambassadors will meet in the Loft NOW.

  •  The following student need to see Ms. Bernabei now. Trajan Raffety, Marco Rizzi, Analia Salas.

  •  Seniors going on the Mystery Trip are to meet Fr. Ronald during homeroom.

  •  Prom committee meeting today during homeroom in PSC #16.