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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, February 22, 2023

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We all make choices.  That's the easy part.  The hard thing about choices is living with them.

  • At our Ash Wednesday service, you'll be able to make your Lenten resolutions.  Please bring a pencil or pen to church.

  •  This Friday, the Saint Bede Softball team is hosting a Lenten Fish Fry fundraiser at the Ladd Moose Club from 4:30-8.  The dinner includes fish, fries, bread and coleslaw. Tickets can be purchased at the door for $12. Serving from 4:30-8 carry out or dine in! 

  •  Peer tutoring will take place in room 225 after school until 3:30 for all interested students. We look forward to seeing you!

  •  Boys' TEC is coming up the first weekend of March.  If you want to go or to know more, please see Fr. Ronald.  The next Girls' TEC is April 15-17.

  •  Polar Plunge on Saturday. Keep working on getting your pledges totaling $100.  We will register and get t-shirts during lunch periods Tomorrow.

  •  There will be a podcast club meeting after school today in room 213.

  •  No Track Practice today. Practice tomorrow at 3:00, meet downstairs by the weight room.