ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, February 23, 2023
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Lent has just begun, and we face the great test of our faith: do we trust Jesus? Do we make time for Christ in our lives? Jesus, to whom we hold fast, help us to hear your voice and tune out all the noise that keeps us from being truly close to you.
Boys' TEC is coming up the first weekend of March. If you want to go or to know more, please see Fr. Ronald. The next Girls' TEC is April 15-17.
Polar Plunge on Saturday. Registration TODAY during lunch periods in the Loft.
Looking ahead. Make your own pizza night on Saturday, March 4th. More info tomorrow.
Lectio on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Scholastic Bowl tonight at Prophetstown the Bus leaving at 4:00
Golf Room will be open til 3:30 today
Official softball practice starts Monday. Practice times are 4-6 pm for all levels in the gym.
Softball players, please check your school email for the work schedule tomorrow. It has been changed since it was emailed out Tuesday.
If you are heading to the regional championship game at Midland and still would like to support the Lady Bruins fish fry. Fish will be available beginning at 4pm!
Members of the PEP club, please meet with Mr. Armato after 2nd Lunch in the Loft.
SBASG Exec Board please see Miss Brady Now in room 118
Prom committee meeting today in room #16 of PSC during homeroom.
Homeroom meeting for Ambassadors in the Loft Now.