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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Guest User

You cannot do all the good things the world needs.  But the world needs all the good you can do.

  • Still looking for helpers for a St. Bede golf event at Spring Creek Golf Course on Saturday, June 11.  If interested in helping that day, see Fr. Ronald, now, during homeroom.

  • Need service hours? Mrs. Prokup is looking for assistance on this Saturday, May 21 to help with Father Dom's Pizza Party.

  • LAST CALL IVCC forms need to be turned into Mrs. Plankenhorn NOW!!


  • Petranella Mitchell, Morgan Nawa, George Guo, Isabella Villalobos, Ava Stone, Isabella Hagenbuch, Logan Potthoff, Ella Englehaupt, Johanna Bogatitus, Isabella Pinter, Kylie Hill, Luke Tunnell please see Ms. Bernabei now.