ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, May 17, 2022
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We need God's help. We need God's grace and the first step is to know that we need it.
There will be a St. Bede golf event at Spring Creek Golf Course on Saturday, June 11. If interested in helping that day, see Fr. Ronald, now, during homeroom.
We can do it. We can fill the Blue Cart with food before the end of the school year.
STUDENTS taking IVCC courses next fall your registration forms were mailed to your parents last week. Please bring them to Mrs. Plankenhorn NOW.
The Class of 2023 Students and Parents are invited to attend: "Spring Forward Toward Your Future" A College and Financial Aid Information Night, Wed, May 18, 2022, 6:00-7:30pm Perino Science Center. See your school email for more details.
Tom Makransky, Morgan Nawa, Brendan Pillion, Michael Shaw and Bella Hagenbuch please see Fr. Ronald, now, during homeroom.
Attention golfers. Everyone interested in playing golf in the fall next year we will have a meeting in the Golf Room NOW during homeroom.
Next year’s student government executive board please meet in Ms. Brady’s room during homeroom today.
Tessa Dugosh please see Mrs. Plankenhorn.
The following students need to see Mrs. Prushinski room 111: William Chen, Steven Zhang, Summer Conlin, Katie Zeller, Ruby Burr