ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, May 9, 2022
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Learning to follow God's lead is the project of our lives.
The final Last Supper Club outing of the year is tomorrow. Sign-up by lunch on Fr. Ronald's office door. Transportation will be available.
Not much in the Blue Cart now. Our sisters and brothers are hungry. Let's get it filled with food before the end of the school year.
Kid’s Free Fishing Expo at Baker Lake May 14, 2022 9am-2pm. They are also in need of volunteers. Please contact Alicia Farmer at 815-585-6418.
Congratulations to Seniors Lia Bosnich, Deb Daluga, Erin Gray, Paige Kraml, Zach Lambie, Veronica Martin & Aleanna Mendoza. These students have earned more than double the minimum number of service hours required for graduation. Awards will be mailed to seniors. Christian service awards for underclassmen will be announced before the end of the school year.
Students: as a reminder if you are dismissing early for an athletic you are responsible for checking in with your teachers to let them know you will be missing and discuss any missed work or tests.
There was an art kit turned into the main office. If you are missing yours please stop in and see Mrs. Nambo
Varsity sports banquet is Wednesday in the gym. Doors open at 5:00pm, dinner at 5:30 and awards start at 6:00pm.
Lacey Griggs and Kaden Nauman please see Fr. Ronald now.
All 11th grade Ambassadors meet in the Refectory now.