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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, May 10, 2022

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If you really want to do something, you'll find a way.  If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

  • Congratulations to girls’ track team on placing FIRST out of 4 teams at the track meet yesterday! This is the first ever team title at the Illinois Valley Conference meet. Tyreke Fortney broke the school record in the 100 with a time of 10.66 beating the time held from 2003 by Chris Safranski of 10.7. Ali Bosnich and Duncan Lawler won the season’s best in the high jump. Everyone performed extremely well!

  • Varsity sports banquet tomorrow in the gym. Doors open at 5, dinner at 5:30 and awards at 6:00.

  • The Final Tea Club meeting is tomorrow (Wednesday). Bring your stress! we will sip tea and relax for a while after school in the PSC. 


  • Kaden Nauman and Lacey Griggs, please see Fr. Ronald, now. 

  • Meeting for all stage rats during homeroom today in Fr. Dominic’s classroom.

  • All going to Last Supper Club this evening, see Fr. Ronald, now.

  • Jordyn Martin and Megan Olson please come to the main office.