ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, April 28, 2022
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If you do nothing else today, smile at someone who needs to see you smile.
Top 10 seniors come to the science center immediately for your photo.
Stage Rats will meet tonight at 7:30 pm in the gym to get ready for Saturday’s fundraiser. Lots of help needed.
Reminder we have early dismissal tomorrow 11:20. Classes E-H will meet.
Let's remember our hungry sisters and brothers and fill the Blue Cart with food before the end of the semester.
Seniors & juniors interested in requesting a song for prom, may join 2022 Prom Playlist Google classroom. Class code is hdgoxgb. Please include the artist's name along with the title. Requests will be sent to our dj May 4.
Ambassador applications are due back to Mrs. Wagner TODAY.
There are multiple service hour opportunities, you can see the list on the school website under student life Christian service program then volunteer service opportunities.
Mrs. Horst F period class report to room 226B, Mrs Bruner’s room.
Mrs. Olivero Gong’s D period class please report to the study hall for class today. Your assignment is on google classroom.
A test email for student government elections was sent to all student accounts on Tuesday. If you did not receive an email from Mrs. Manning, see her today in room 26/28 to ensure that you receive an electronic ballot.
Voting for student government executive board will be electronic. On Friday, April 29, an email will be sent to all student accounts and include a Google Form on which to vote. Access to the Form will be from 6:00 am – 11:20 am since we dismiss early that day. Please remember to vote!
Nominations will be open on Friday, April 29 to run for a position as a student government class representative. An explanation of the process and requirements was sent to all student emails before spring break. The deadline to submit your name to Mrs. Manning is 2:40 pm on Thursday, May 5. The election will be held on Friday, May 6.
The Varsity and JV Baseball teams are playing at Mahomet-Seymour on Saturday and the day is in honor of 7year old Ty Andracke, who is battling Leukemia. Ty is throwing out the First Pitch of the Varsity Game. We are all personally donating money to help his fight and we hope that our fellow classmates can help. Please see any member of the baseball team or Coach Eustice today or tomorrow if you would like to help Ty. We Really Appreciate It!
The senior picnic has been relocated to the gym. IF you brought any games please bring them with you.
There has been a change in the bus schedule. JV Softball will need to leave WITH Varsity today. Please dismiss all softball players at 2:25 today.
Kaden Newman, Bella Hagenbuch, Daliayah Farris, Ella Burris, Avery Entrican, Madalyn Dittmar, and Katie Zeller Please see Fr. Ronald now during homeroom.
Lia Asani please come to the office.
Brady Flanagan, Josh Grob, Rylan Heersink, Duncan Lawler, Ben Koyak and Luke Story please see Mrs. Wagner now.