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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Guest User

Life is messy.  You're not doing it wrong.  Life is not a color-within-the lines exercise, but an invitation to uncertain outcomes.

  • Lectio during lunch periods TODAY.  Newcomers always welcome. We meet in room 111, Mrs. Prushinski's classroom.

  • Thank you for the great welcome you gave to Bishop Tylka.  He did a drawing of 3 names.  If the following have their post card, see Fr. Ronald for your prize. Sammi Wagner, Bailey Engels and Amanda Wojcik.

  • Let's fill the Blue Cart with food before the end of the semester.

  • Seniors & juniors interested in requesting a song for prom, may join 2022 Prom Playlist Google classroom.  Class code is hdgoxgb. Please include the artist's name along with the title. Requests will be sent to our dj May 4.

  • Ambassador applications are due back to Mrs. Wagner this Thursday. If you haven’t picked one up yet, please do so today.

  • Volunteers needed on Saturday April 30th from 7:00-10:30 at the Habit for Health 10K Race in Spring Valley.  Volunteers will be helping with traffic control.  To volunteer please contact Gina Mudge - text only 815-378-9726 or email

  • Volunteers Needed Saturday April 30th 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. at the Illinois Valley YMCA for Healthy Kids Day.  Please sign-up to volunteer no later than Thursday April 28th.  To volunteer contact Peggy Cain at 815-223-7904 ext 030 or email her at

  • Volunteers needed at the TBM Avengers Reunion to Honor Veterans at Peru Airport on Friday May 20th from 4:00 PM-11:00 PM and Saturday May 21st from 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM You can sign-up for 2-3 hour shifts. Volunteers will be helping with crowd control, parking, and helping out wherever needed.  To sign-up contact Tracy Baer 815-830-5724 (call or text) or email:

  • If any students are looking for service hours, we need help this Saturday night from 7 - 9 p.m. in the gymnasium for our Rock the Academy event clearing tables and Sunday morning from 9 - 11 a.m. cleaning up from the event. Please see Mrs. Prokup if interested.

  • Senior. Yearbook survey and prom photos need submitted to Mrs. Griggs by May 1.  Prom video will be short if there are not enough photos submitted. Please email Mrs. Griggs photos ASAP

  • Tennis practice is cancelled for tonight

  • If any students are looking for service hours, we need help this Saturday night from 7 - 9 p.m. in the gymnasium for our Rock the Academy event clearing tables and Sunday morning from 9 - 11 a.m. cleaning up from the event. Please sign up on Mrs. Prokup's door if interested.

  • We are looking for a student to put together a grill, service hours will be given. See Mrs. Prokup.

  • A test email for student government elections was sent to all student accounts yesterday. If you did not receive an email from Mrs. Manning, see her before Friday in room 26/28 to ensure that you receive an electronic ballot.

  • Voting for the student government executive board will be electronic. On Friday, April 29, an email will be sent to all student accounts and include a Google Form on which to vote. Access to the Form will be from 6:00 am – 11:20 am since we dismiss early that day. Please remember to vote!

  • Nominations will be open on Friday, April 29 to run for a position as a student government class representative. An explanation of the process and requirements was sent to all student emails before spring break. The deadline to submit your name to Mrs. Manning is 2:40 pm on Thursday, May 5. The election will be held on Friday, May 6. 


  • Megan Olson, Alanna Frasch, Allison Rimmele, Jaelyn Weber, Morgan Jones and Grace Irwin.   Please see Fr. Ronald now during homeroom.

  • All senior boarding students meet in The Loft now.