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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, April 25, 2022

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We require God's help in order to become the people he desires us to be.

  •   Lectio during lunch periods this coming Wednesday.  Newcomers always welcome.

  • If you still have a Rice Bowl from Lent, please return to Fr. Ronald.

  • Bishop Tylka will be with us tomorrow.  We will have a prayer service with him.  The bishop will be happy to answer questions you may have.  

  • Please dismiss both the boys and girls track team and the JV baseball team at 2:15pm today.

  • On Thursday, all WYSE team members should report to the refectory to receive their medals and take a picture.

  • Nominations are open to run for a position on the student government executive board. An explanation of the process and requirements was sent to all student emails. The deadline to submit your name to Mrs. Manning is 2:40 pm on Tuesday, April 26. The election will be held on Friday, April 29.  

  • Seniors, please complete your senior survey for the yearbook.  The deadline is May 1.  Prom video photos are also due on this day.  Please email them to Mrs. Griggs

  • On Saturday, St. Bede competed in the inaugural Esports sectional tournament sanctioned by the IHSA.   13 teams from the north-central part of Illinois met at Guilford High School in Rockford to play Rocket League, Smash Bros., and NBA2K.    Gavin Sandoval and Paige Kraml competed in Smash Bros. Duo games, and William Chen competed in  Smash Bros. individual games.   Evan Fitzpatrick and Tommy Makransky competed in the NBA2K games.   Evan received a 3rd place ribbon, while Tommy placed first and will go on to the state finals tournament in Bloomington on Saturday, April 30th.


  • Rylee McGunnigal, Megan Olson, Samantha Blaskiewicz, Alanna Frasch, Allison Rimmele, Stephen Shaw, Ava Stone, Isabella Villalobos and Grace Irwin.   Please see Fr. Ronald now during homeroom.

  • Hope DeBoer, Analia Salas, Michael Shaw, Landon Jackson, and Anna Lopez, please report to the main office.