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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, April 22, 2022

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Ask God to remind you that more is not necessarily better.

  • Lectio during lunch periods this coming Wednesday.  Newcomers always welcome.

  • Last Supper Club.  Those who attended last evening, please give Fr. Ronald $10, now, during homeroom.

  • Thanks to all who contributed to our chosen charities during Lent.  The following donations were made:  $1,275 to Kamakwie, $500 to Smile Train, $500 to Heifer International and $500 to Zakat for a water pump.

  • Bishop Tylka will be with us on Tuesday.  We will have a prayer service with him.

  • Still looking for acolytes/servers for the bishop for confirmation in Dalzell on Tuesday.  See Fr. Ronald if interested.

  • Congratulations to the Oglesby Elks Teen of the Year winners: Ben Koyak and Deb Daluga! Ben and Deb were selected as the top students out of all LP, Hall, Putnam County and St. Bede Teen of the Month winners.  Elks Teen of the Month and Teen of the Year recognition is awarded to seniors based on high academic achievement and above average extracurricular involvement & community service.  Deb and Ben please see Ms. Bernabei.

  • Nominations are open to run for a position on the student government executive board. An explanation of the process and requirements was sent to all student emails. The deadline to submit your name to Mrs. Manning is 2:40 pm on Tuesday, April 26. The election will be held on Friday, April 29. 

  • Ms. Cox H period please report to room 325 for class today.

  • Stage Rats meet tonight at 7:30 pm in the gym to create a set for the band for ROCK THE ACADEMY. We’re getting out the sewer from Guys & Dolls.

  • The following students need to complete their Guidance Senior Survey NIW!  It was due on April 19th.  You’ve had a month to do this. This survey is required for ALL seniors. No exceptions!

  • Trenton Acuncius, Anna An, Emma Borelli, Jake Bradach, Brianda Cain, Wilt Cao, James Erwin, Tyreke Fortney, Maureen Gensler, Josh Grob, Kaitlyn Kobilsek, Jayce Ladzinski, Jaxon Lynch, Miranda Mazzorana, Matt Pozzi, Alyssa Schneider, Luke Story, Carleen Chen, Sophia Su, Josie Zhou, Ray Zou, Esabel Wei, Paul Hart, Steven shaver. See Ms. Bernabei asap if you need help or have questions.

  • Ø  Volunteer needed tomorrow, Saturday April 23rd, at the SBA Baseball Fundraiser Event to help serve food near the baseball fields.  Volunteers are needed from 2:00 PM -6:00 PM or 4:00 PM- 9:00 PM. To sign-up call Mickey at 815-341-2317.

  • Ø  Volunteers needed on Saturday April 30th from 7:00-10:30 at the Habit for Health 10K Race in Spring Valley.  Volunteers will be helping with traffic control.  To volunteer please contact Gina Mudge - text only 815-378-9726 or email

  • Ø  Volunteers needed at the TBM Avengers Reunion to Honor Veterans at Peru Airport on Friday May 20th from 4:00 PM-11:00 PM and Saturday May 21st from 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM You can sign-up for 2-3 hour shifts. Volunteers will be helping with crowd control, parking, and helping out wherever needed.  To sign-up contact Tracy Baer 815-830-5724 (call or text) or email:

  • Volunteers needed on Saturday April 30th from 7:00-10:30 at the Habit for Health 10K Race in Spring Valley.  Volunteers will be helping with traffic control.  To volunteer please contact Gina Mudge - text only 815-378-9726 or email 

  • Congratulations to the Lady Bruins on a great game against Rockridge.  Both JV and Varsity did a great job!

  • Seniors, please remember to submit your yearbook surveys and email Mrs. Griggs photos by May 1 for the prom video.


  • Top Ten seniors please come to the Main Office.

  • The following students need to see Ms. Bernabei now: Anna Lopez, Kylie Cofoid, Landon Jackson, Elliott Struck, Gianna Grivetti, Daliayah Farris, Gavin Sandoval,

  • Isabella Villalobos, Johnathon Hackney, Madelyn Torrance, Kristal De La Torre, Lea Asani, LilyLu RauhFernandez

  • Following students please see Mr. Fess in the computer lab for 5 minutes: Thomas Makransky, Landon Jackson, Henry Mertel, Trenton Acuncius, Paige Kramel, Gavin Sandavol