ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, March 20, 2024
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The only limits in life are the ones you make.
SAT Word of the Day:
reprieve (re-PREEV) – n. a cancellation or postponement of a punishment
The wrestling team was thrilled by the REPRIEVE from having to run stairs.
Girls' TEC coming up the 2nd weekend of April. If you want more information or an application, see Fr. Ronald.
Lenten class charity collection update: Seniors $520 of $960 (54%); Juniors $332 of $1,020 (32%); Sophomores $1,396 of $1,020 (137%); Freshmen $373 of $900 (41%); Faculty/Staff $140. Overall, $2761 of $3,900 (70%). We will have a collection tomorrow at our St. Benedict's Day mass.
There will be a FREE jeans day on Friday. Just a reminder – no hooded or crop-top sweatshirts or tank tops and jeans must be in good repair with no holes or rips.
Bruins Rock Socks are still available! Stop by the Development Office with your $20 donation. We encourage everyone to wear their socks TOMORROW, March 21 on St. Benedict’s Day!
Sierah Shaver and Grace Gahan, please see Fr. Ronald now.
All who went on the Mystery Trip, please see Fr. Ronald now.
Would Logan Potthoff, Garrett Connelly, Grace Millington, Hunter Savage, Grady Gillan, Gavin Gillan, & Katie Zeller please stop by the Development Office during homeroom.
Sammie Wagner, please see Mr. Steben.