ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, March 15, 2024
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“Let us have faith that right makes might, and, in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.” - Abraham Lincoln
SAT Word of the Day:
Maelstrom (MAIL-strum) – n. a powerful storm; turmoil
The airport was a MAELSTROM of crowds the day before Thanksgiving.
Freshman: The PSAT test is Tuesday. Be in the gym at your seat ready to test by 7:50 am. Bring your fully charged Chromebook and charging cord, pen or pencil, approved calculator (or you can use the desmos calculator provided in the testing app), a photo ID (this can be your school ID or driver’s license), snack and drink. All other items, including backpacks, cell phones and smartwatches should be left in your locker. This is a regular Dennis uniform dress day. You will return to lunch and your regular afternoon classes after the test. Be sure to go to bed early and eat a good breakfast so you can perform your best on the test! See your email for more information.
If you are interested in ordering some Chuck’s Cheese find a Prom Committee member or let Mrs. Nambo know by March 18th. Orders will be in by Easter! Prom Committee your order forms are due to Mrs. Nambo on March 18th.
Bruins Rocks Socks! Remember to get your limited edition SBA socks by March 19th. Stop by the Development Department with your $20 donation. We encourage everyone to wear their socks March 21st.
Attention Varsity Softball Players- please be on the lookout for an email from Mrs. Theisinger!
All sophomores interested in applying to be an Ambassador next year, please meet in the Refectory now.
Matilda Mitchell, Caleb Barto and Lin Le please see Ms. Bernabei now.
Simona Desai please see Mrs. Nambo during homeroom today.
Ali Bosnich, Ella Englehaupt, Logan Potthoff and Ella Hermes please see Mrs. Rapp in the Development Office.