ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, March 7, 2024
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SAT Word of the Day:
None - Prayer service
The boys and girls track team is hosting a fish fry this Friday, and we need your support. Please get your tickets for the fish fry from any track member or Mr. Makransky. It's going to be a great event.
All international students will meet immediately in the loft during homeroom Friday.
Anime club meeting this Friday at the Boarding house game room from 3:15-4:45 pm.
Attention all freshmen: Next week’s Shadow Day assignments for freshmen will be sent to your emails by tomorrow during H period. Be sure to check your emails.
No homeroom - prayer service
Will the following students come to the main office sometime this morning: Ariella Mudge, Willie Sramek, Eric Du, Johnnie Brown, Jack Maschmann, Emerald De La Torre, Mackenzie Stanbary.